As in mechanics, in business we have to consider some kind of “Newton laws”. Even with different forces and magnitudes the principles of the inertia law (first Newton law) and force law (second Newton law) apply.
When I worked for Telefonica one of the main messages that I repeated to my team of product managers was the importance of perseverance and to know that the changes of our actions, or even external actions (competition and market), will occur more slowly (for the good and the bad) than we usually think. That is specially true when you have a big amount of clients and recurring services but also for your brand actions, assumption of technological changes, new feature development, campaigns,…
Now that I run a startup (comefruta) I see that we are even more impatient and want that the client and market responds almost instantly to our actions. That is usually not true and we need patience and perseverance to know if our actions and forces are in the right direction. Even in the Internet or technology business we are limited for the human habit and speed of human change and we can´t go as fast as technology or new ways to do business.
Excuses to my readers, this article of my blog is written in English because I wanted to share it in a Linkedin group.
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